Sykes–Picot Agreement
The New Mosaic prides itself on being a non-political and a non-sectarian organization. With that said, there are a few events we cannot avoid raising every year، and one of those events happened on a day like today.
Over a hundred years ago on November 23, 1917, the Bolsheviks leaked a secret agreement exposing plans by the French and the British to carve up the Levant with no regard for its people and geography.
This division created a false sense of identity and nationalism in certain segments of our society, which gave way to fixation on inaccurate names and unfounded borders that didn't exist on land. This in turn led to a divisive ideology that wasn't present beforehand in the region.
The agreement is seen by many as a turning point in Arab and Western relations. It negated the UK's promises regarding a national homeland in the area of Greater Syria in exchange for supporting the British against the Ottoman colonization.
Levantines have been suffering as a result of this division for the past 100 years , and it is truly remarkable that regardless of their political affiliations people can trace the downfall of the region culturally and politically to that point in history.
The New Mosaic Family will always be a staunch supporter of decolonizing the region culturally and politically. And we will work to one day achieve unity amongst our people in the Levant.