Jesus of Nazareth

Christians around the world are celebrating Christmas, the birthday of Jesus of Nazareth. يسوع الناصري

Jesus was born in the heart of the Levant, in Bethlehem, Palestine
بيت لحم، فلسطين

Although "ISHO" was born in Palestine he transcended the borders of his birthplace and became a figure tovthe whole world

Given the millennia hegemony of the Western European Christianity, ISHO lost his levantine origins, looks, and name.

Depictions of him show a man of Nordic origins, with blue eyes, pale white skin, and blonde or brunette hair.

We in the new mosaic believe in decolonizing ISHO and reclaiming him, educating out people as well as others about who he was and where is he from.

He is ISHO son of Maryam, a Palestinian from the Levant, with dark olive skin, curls, and dark hair. He spoke aramaic the language of his people, and he was an immigrant from Nazareth.


Hatem Ali


Sykes–Picot Agreement